Additional insulin amounts for rising CGM trends

Stop the insulin pump for falling CGM trends

The CGM systems gives to each values a trend which were used to optimize the glucose levels to a small target area. If a rising trend appear an additional determined insulin amount are given to the generated insulin doses of the bolus calculator from the pump.

If a falling trend appear, the basal program of the insulin pump were stopped by the patient. And if it is necessary the patient can take a supplement dose of glucose to avoid hypoglycaemia.Therefore it is not necessary to count the carbohydrates exactly. Finally the patient knows for each situation a way and algorithm to get the CGM graph in the favoured process.

An algorithm as an example for starting

1.  Falling CGM trends

CGM-values < 80 mg/dl  or  CGM-values  with 130 mg/dl ↘ the pump will be stopped for  about 30-60 min. and sometimes additional carbohhydrates about  10 to 20 grams of glucose should be intaken.

2.Rising CGM trends

Additional insulin amount given every 30 min. for:

CGM value 80-100 mg/dl ↗: 0,5 U       

CGM value 101-150 mg/dl↗: 0,8 U

CGM value 80-100 mg/dl↑: 1,0 U

CGM value 101-150 mg/dl↑: 1,5 U

CGM value 101-150 mg/dl ↑↑: 2 U

For ongoing rising trends basal program of the pump will

be set on 4 U per hour until the trend stops