Evaluation of the therapy with the CGM

1. mean glucose in mg/dl

       good control:  value between 130-140 mg/dl

 2. glucose variability/ Standard deviation

           good control: 40 mg/dl

3.   Variation koeffizient CV in %  (mean Glucose to glukose variabilityshows the risk of hypoglcemia)

       < 35 %

 4.    percentage of time in range 70-180 mg/dl

         good control: >70%

5.percentage under 70 mg/dl (level1)


6.percentage under 54 mg/dl (level2)


7. percentage <180 mg/dl  (level1)


8. percentage > 250 mg/dl (level2)


    the hbA1c-value does not show the situation of glucose control very well